Saturday, January 03, 2015

Great Headline

From WaPo Express comes this classic:

And, of course, the all time greatest, undefeated champion headline is HERE.

Found at The Volokh Conspiracy.

And how was your day

From the Want China Times:

A slurry tanker containing human waste suddenly burst spraying innocent bystanders and nearby shops in Hechi in southern China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region on Saturday, according to a Chinese internet user named Han Lu.

Three photos posted by the netizen on a popular social networking website showed several bystanders and the sidewalk beside several shops in the city's Jichengjiang district covered in feces while shop signs were slathered in foul slurry.

The netizen and local government sources have not elaborated on what happened to cause the tank to burst.
I think mine was pretty good by comparison.