Sunday, May 21, 2006

Two simple words

The US Army's Third Armored Cavalry returned to Fort Carson, Colorado in March, but it has been a homecoming almost ignored in the MSM. However, on Friday, the 3rd ACR, got some print in the Rocky Mountain News.

Seems that the soldiers were quite instrumental in securing the city of Tal Afar in Iraq. The mayor of Tal Afar had previously sent a letter of appreciation to the regiment. On Friday, Mayor Najim Al Jibouri of Tal Afar addressed a welcoming ceremony at Ft. Carson. He spoke to the crowd, through a translator, and reiterated the appreciation he expressed in his letter.

An Iraqi mayor stood before troops lined up on the lawn at Fort Carson on Friday
morning and said only two words in English. But those two words brought the
crowd to its feet.

"Thank you."

Once again, the good news never seems to get reported. Amazing how those two little words can mean so much.

Another hat tip to Power Line.

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