Tuesday, April 11, 2006


I've always been a believer in freedom. That includes the freedom to both succeed and also to fail. There are no guarantees in life. Growing up, I agreed with the civil rights movement of the 60's in its goals of equal treatment before the law. There was, and is, no place in American society for discrimination before the law. But that concept has been corrupted over the years.

Equality of opportunity has been replaced by equality of outcomes. The rights of one individual should not trump those of another, regardless of the skin color of EITHER person. Discrimination can run both ways. In my college years, black students wanted the right to join predominantly (or completely) white organizations. But they wouldn't let a white student join the black students organization (appropriately named For Members Only). Some discriminations were more acceptable than others.

There is a current ballot initiative in Michigan regarding "civil rights". The Detroit Free Press gets high marks for publishing this op-ed that takes the civil rights industry to task. It looks at the underlying premises of modern "civil rights" and reveals the dirty little truths that many don't want to face. Give it a read. You might agree, or disagree.

A hat tip to the excellent blog Discriminations.

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