Monday, April 16, 2007

Sorrow in Blacksburg

Nothing can change the fact that the shootings at Virginia Tech make for true tragedy. Mitch Berg over at Shot in the Dark posts My Advice to My Kids. He makes very good points on how to avoid being a victim. The paragraph that struck me most was:

Oh, yeah - and if your school tries to “lock down” around you? Get out. Any way you can; break away before your teacher can lock the door - run over her, go out the window, whatever it takes; do not sit still with a bunch of other immobile targets. At the very best, your school’s administrators’ primary motivation is to “manage the situation”, not protect you, personally. Sitting ducks make easier targets. Most of the dead in the Red Lake massacre three years ago were sitting in a locked-down classroom, like cattle penned up for the slaughter. So were many of the dead at Virginia Tech today.

Good advice in Mitch's post -- send it to those you love.

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