Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What was that definition of insanity??

You know....the one about doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result.

This concluding paragraph from a story about Greek sovereign debt brought it back to mind.  It quotes Edward Parker, Managing Director for ratings agency Fitch's Sovereign and Supranational Group in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

"(Disorderly default), would be, for us, the really damaging situation, but one which we are certainly not expecting to happen because, clearly, in a rational situation you would think Greek politicians and European policy makers would ensure that it doesn't happen." 

Of course, Greek politicians and European policy makers haven't acted rationally in past debt situations, including the most recent package of bailouts.  So, why should we expect them to do so now?

Hope you're shorting the Euro.  That would be my forex currency play.  The only question is, how long will Germany, and the German people allow themselves to be dragged down by the wasteful actions of other countries?

Full story can be found HERE.

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